Look Closely – Bay Area Discovery Museum

Look Closely

Look Closely

Discover a fresh perspective using everyday items. In this activity, your child will look at objects up close and find out how that object changes from different points of view.

Scope of Activity:
  • For ages 2-10
  • For two or more participants
Materials Required
  • A safe room or outdoor space
  • Paper
  • Pen, pencil or crayon
Tips for Adults
  • Add new tools such as a flashlight or sunglasses to explore the object further. Can you alter how the object looks to the point that the object is no longer recognizable?
  • Ask your child to take a picture in addition to drawing a picture. What new details do they notice in the photograph?
  1. Ask your child to find an object to look at more closely (e.g. a flower or tree bark).
  2. Invite your child to draw a picture of what they see. Ask a friend to identify to guess what the object is.
  3. Observe and discuss the shapes of both the picture and the real object.
  4.  Challenge them to use their new observations to draw a new picture.
    • Look at the object from very close or far away, or look at it from a different angle
    • Observe how this new perspective changed the picture
    • Ask a friend to look at the picture again. Was it easier to identify the object?


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