Local Artist Spotlight – Bay Area Discovery Museum

Exploring Art Class

At the Bay Area Discovery Museum, art class goes beyond crayons and markers! Each month, we bring a different local artist to the museum to give children a hands-on opportunity to discover new artistic techniques that tap into their creativity. Children in our Exploring Art Class are free to make messes while they explore everything from sculpture to screen printing to ceramics. Explore art together at BADM – classes are designed for children 5+ and their caregivers.

October Class RSVP

This class is free for BADM members and included in regular price of museum admission.

October: Exploring Art Class with Suzie Buccholz
October 27
10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

During October’s Exploring Art Class, local artist Suzie Buccholz will show children how to transfer an artistic image of their own design onto a wooden panel, resulting in a take-home keepsake ready to be displayed. Children will be able to use new materials and try new processes, and BADM staff will do all the clean-up, so you can enjoy the rest of the day at the museum. Join us!

This event is for children ages 5 and up and their caregivers.

Reserve Your Spot
Spots are limited. RSVP is required.

About the Artist

“I’ve always rebelled against limitations and maybe that’s why I became an abstract painter. I love walking into the studio not knowing what’s going to happen. A rule breaker by nature, I embrace the freedom to experiment, which keeps the process fresh for me and gives a sense of endless possibility.

‘Abstract expressionism deeply influences my work, offering autonomy from the limits of known object or form. My process is very physical, scraping away, building and scribbling, to create a textured surface that somehow conveys an idea, a mood or emotion that is deeply human. A natural sense of color and composition guide my work, but emotion and spontaneity give it life. There is a certain, comforting order underlying the chaos on every canvas. I like to “violate the canvas” to use Diebenkorn’s words, bury the evidence, and then excavate it again. Hard edge against soft, an emphatic line over textured background, marks that come in and out of view will give a hint of object, or trigger a memory, challenging the viewer to explore beneath the surface.”

– Suzie Buccholz

August 2018: Wednesday Kirwan | Paint the Night Sky

July 2018: Maivy Nguyen | Ceramic Etching

June 2018: Molly McGrath | Children pieced together laser cut mosaic designs

April 2018: Kija Lucas | Children experimented with photography collages.

March 2018: Keeley McSherry | Children designed their own screen-printed banner to take home.

February 2018: Meghan Shimek | Children created their own DIY Pom-Poms.

January 2018: K.J. Scribbles | Children created their own wool felt characters using wet felting techniques.

December 2017: Alexis Arnold | Children explored the effects of moiré patterns and created their own, inspired by her work.

November 2017: Cristina Victor | Children collaborated to create a large-scale flag, inspired by her textile work.

October 2017: Joyce Nojima | Children participated in a large-scale web installation in Art Studio C.

Images by Michael McSherry – Local Artist Spotlight Workshop and Chris Fraser – photograph © Kija Lucas.


Help your child get the most out of their experience in BADM's Art Studios.

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