Try It Truck
The Try It Truck is our engineering-lab-on-wheels, bringing hands-on STEAM programming to your school, camp or library! K – 5th grade students will build creative problem-solving skills by asking questions, designing solutions, and testing their ideas using our Think, Make, Try® process. Participants can try their hand (and mind) at experiments in cause and effect, energy, structure, and function, providing an inspiring and challenging exploration of engineering design principles.
Availability, Timing and Service Area
Availability: Tuesdays and Fridays
Timing: Up to (3) one-hour sessions per Try It Truck visit.
Service Area: Please view the Try It Truck Map to see if the Try It Truck can visit your site.
Grade Levels and Group Size
We offer age-appropriate stations based on the following groupings: K-2nd and 3rd-5th.
Each session can accommodate about 50 students per session (1-2 classrooms), and about 150 students per visit (over 3 sessions).
Price and Site Requirements
Price: $1525 per Try It Truck visit.
Site Requirements: The Try It Truck is a unique experience and requires some special considerations. Prior to booking, please review our Requirements Document to see if the Truck is the best program fit for your site.
The scholarship rate is $1,015/visit. Scholarships are reserved for Title-1 and other schools and organizations that serve communities with large populations of low-income families (40% or higher).
Scholarship applications are embedded in the booking form and applied immediately upon booking.
Community Events
We are able to offer a modified Try It Truck program for community events on a limited basis.
Please reach out to for additional information and to check availability.
Designing the Try It Truck
Read our case study on how we built and tested the Try It Truck.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at or call (415)339-3910.
STEAM Workshops at Your Site
Bring STEAM to life for your elementary students! Our scaffolded, NGSS-aligned workshops encourage the exploration of STEAM concepts, collaborative problem solving, and playful, creative thinking.
Details (Availability, Timing, Ages, Price, Group Size)
Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Timing: Each workshop is 60 minutes long and can be scheduled between 9 AM and 3 PM. Each visit can accomodate up to two workshops.
Grade levels: K-3
Group size: Up to 35 students per session
Price: $500 per session
Scholarships: The scholarship rate is $330/session. Scholarships are reserved for Title-1 and other schools and organizations that serve communities with large populations of low-income families (40% or higher). Scholarship applications are embedded in the booking form and applied immediately upon checkout. For all questions regarding financial support, please contact us at
Fairy Tale Engineering
Students engage directly with Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Think, Make, Try® engineering design process as they work collaboratively to solve problems for a set of beloved fairy tale characters.
Bridge Builders
Students take on the role of architects, designers and artists as they explore the impact of bridges in our lives. After learning from the story of the Bay Bridge, they will use the Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Think, Make, Try® engineering design process to build their own bridges.
Service Areas
View the SCP Service Map to find out if we can bring our STEAM Workshops to you!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at