Look up at the Sun, Moon, and stars during My Sky at the Bay Area Discovery Museum – Bay Area Discovery Museum

Look up at the Sun, Moon, and stars during My Sky at the Bay Area Discovery Museum

The Bay Area Discovery Museum’s latest special exhibit opens on September 22. 

Sausalito, CA – On Saturday, September 22, the Bay Area Discovery Museum (BADM) will open My Sky. This new traveling exhibit, created in collaboration with NASA, brings the far-off phenomena of the sky closer than ever.

Interactive activities in three unique exhibit spaces encourage children to have fun becoming active “doers” of science by exercising their observation skills, making predictions, and noticing patterns. Together, families will engage with the sky above them in new ways.

In a skate park, children are given the opportunity to create a human sundial and watch as their shadow changes throughout the course of a simulated day. In a child’s bedroom, visitors can make a wish on a star of their choosing, or use a Moon-Earth model to make the different phases of the Moon appear through the bedroom window. Outside in the backyard, a campfire scene is set up; children can explore a topographically accurate scale model of the Moon in a giant Moon Dome, or sit around a fire and use a telescope to see the stars and planets in their real-time position in the sky.

Control the movements of the Sun, touch the mountains of the Moon, or create your own constellation of stars. You can make your sky at My Sky.

My Sky opens at BADM on Saturday, September 22 and runs through Sunday, January 6. For more information on the exhibit, please click here.

My Sky was produced by Boston Children’s Museum in collaboration with Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and NASA.


About the Bay Area Discovery Museum
The Bay Area Discovery Museum is a children’s museum in Sausalito, that applies the latest research to develop early learning experiences that inspire and build creative problem-solving skills in children, transforming the way they learn and the way they contribute to the world. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the museum provides STEM-focused, inquiry-driven experiences that develop creativity and conceptual thinking, critical components of problem solving.


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