5 Books to Help Teach Your Child About Race, Racism, and Social Justice – Bay Area Discovery Museum

5 Books to Help Support Conversations About Race, Racism, and Social Justice With Your Child

Museums have the power and responsibility to help make this nation and our communities more equitable and just by fostering empathy, lifting up previously unheard voices and experiences, and reforming our own organizations. The Bay Area Discovery Museum (BADM) is committed to doing this work.

We recognize that it is hard for many parents to find an age-appropriate way to talk to your children about what they’re hearing on the radio or TV. Read on to learn about some helpful books that will help open discussion around race, racism and social justice with your children.

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1. Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race by Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli
Illustrated by Isabel Roxas
This is a beautifully illustrated book that offers adults a supportive approach to initiating first conversations about race with young children. Developed by experts in early childhood and activism, this book is appropriate for children ages 2 - 5.
This book will be featured in our Empowered Kids Storytime.

2. Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice by Marianne Celano 
Illustrated by Jennifer Zivion
A timely story that follows two families, one black and one white, as they discuss a local police shooting of a black man. Designed to help parents discuss race, racism, and injustice. Ages 4 - 8.

3. Speak Up by Miranda Paul
Illustrated by Ebony Glenn
Follow a group of young children during one day, where they find a variety of ways to speak up, stand up for others, and make their voices heard. Ages 4 - 7.


4. Milo's Museum by Zetta Elliot
Illustrated by Purple Wong
After a visit to a museum, Milo is inspired to make her voice heard and create a museum of her own. A story of empowerment and inclusion. Ages 4 - 7.

5. A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara 
An ABC board book for the next generation of activists, addressing a variety of topics through engaging illustrations.
Ages 3 - 7.

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